Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Club: Project Hail Mary

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Event Details

We read nonfiction to learn about facts, romance to find love, mysteries to solve a crime. But what about science fiction and fantasy? If you’ve never tried science fiction or fantasy now is the time, because you fill find worlds not just full of unicorns and robots but stories deep with human relationships and understanding. 

This month’s choice is Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, and it is about a story where a man is on a Hail Mary mission to save the earth. The only problem? He has no idea what is mission is. Trigger Warnings:  death, medical content, confinement, suicide, injury, grief.

January's Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Club meeting will be at The Loch Café (318 N 18th Ave E, Duluth, MN)!


Questions for Discussion:

      1. There are so many novels and movies about space. What is it about space that fascinates people around the world?

2. Did you read any other books my Andy Weir? How does Project Hail Mary compare to it? Which did you think was better?

3. We meet Ryland when he wakes up all alone on a spaceship. He’s suffering from select amnesia and is slowly piecing together what happened. Why do you think the author decided to tell the story in this way? How does the slow reveal help to build tension?

4. We learn eventually that Ryland is a science teacher after he left his career as a molecular biologist. Let’s talk about why Ryland left that field and found solace in teaching.

5. Why did Stratt recruit Ryland to help with the task force of finding out what is dimming the sun?

6. It is discovered that an organism is absorbing the sun’s energy, which will be devastating to earth and create a new ice age. Ryland nicknames the organism “Astrophage” and discovers that it can reproduce and uses light energy to migrate from Venus to the sun. What did you think about this discovery? Could this organism exist in the real world?

7. The entire world comes together to try and solve this huge issue. What did you think about this behind the scenes look at the countries working together?

8. While it seems that Ryland is going to be a man alone—big surprise—he encounters an alien creature who is also trying to solve the Astrophage issue. What did you think about the alien appearance?

9. Let’s talk about the friendship between Ryland and Rocky. Despite all the differences, in what ways were they similar?

10. What did you think about all the science details on solving the Astrophage problem?

11. We eventually find out that Ryland didn’t volunteer for the mission—he got forced against his will by Stratt. How did that change how Ryland perceived the mission? Do you think he was a coward like Stratt accused him of or was he simply scared?

12. Ryland makes a huge choice in the end—go back to earth or save Rocky and his people. What do you think about his decision?

13. Do you think he will ever go back to earth? In your opinion, what has happened to earth?

Event Type(s): Book Club
Age Group(s): Adults, Seniors
Sarah V.