Book Club in a Bar

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Event Details

Book Choice: Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Location: Cloud 9 Bistro, Canal Park, 308 S Lake Ave

Books and food go together like peanut butter and jelly, like meatballs and spaghetti, like sprinkles on donuts, like grilled cheese and tomato soup, we could go on, but I think you get it. We like books and we like food. Why not have them together? This month we will be reading the amazing Daisy Jones and the Six. Read it before the TV series comes out later this year! This is not a sponsored event, food prices will be covered by patrons. Books will be available at the circulation desk at the Main branch while supplies last.

Book Club Questions: 
1. What did you think about the storytelling style of the interview format? Did you feel it worked for this story? Why or why not?
2. Daisy seemed constantly lost and using drugs and alcohol to fill a void. What do you think she truly desired and/or felt she was missing?
3. We get to know the Six and how they got their start. We also learn that Billy and Graham’s father walked out on them as kids. How did that impact both brothers as adults?
4. What do you think about Billy and Camila’s relationship? Were you surprised they stayed together after she found out he cheated on her? Why do you think she stuck with him through it all?
5. Why do you think Billy was so resistant to Daisy joining the band at first? Was it because he was attracted to her and afraid of temptation; or did he simply not think she was needed or was it something more?
6. What was the turning point for Daisy and Billy to start to warm up to each other? When do you think they both started having feelings for each other?
7. As we read the interviews, we can tell both of them, especially Billy, seem to hold back telling the complete truth at times. In what ways did their songwriting and actions on stage tell the truth when maybe they weren’t being honest to each other and to themselves?
8. Let’s talk about how Daisy and Billy are so similar to each other. Why did they both seek solace in drugs and alcohol (at least Billy in the beginning of the novel)? Do you think Billy was scared that if he spent too much time with Daisy he might be tempted to abuse those substances again?
9. Daisy admits how she fell for Billy. But even all these years later, Billy can’t quite get there, he hints at it but he always goes back to his love for Camila. Why do you think he can’t admit how he felt and possibly still feels about Daisy? Do you believe someone can be in love with two people at the same time?
10. One of the key scenes in the novel is the night of their last concert in Chicago stadium. This is where Daisy finally admits to herself that Billy will never leave Camila. Daisy says: “I fell in love with the wrong guy who was exactly the right guy.” What did she mean by that? Do you think it’s something many people can relate to?
11. We learn what everyone’s been up to since the band broke up. What did you think about how everyone turned out? Were there any surprises?
12. Let’s talk about the ending. Before Camila passed away, she writes an email to her daughters asking them to give their dad Daisy’s number. Why do you think she did this? Do you think Billy contacts Daisy?

Event Type(s): Author/Literary Event
Age Group(s): Adults
Sarah Villanueva

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